DUDE, i made that game gish.. remember gish.. that game that came out like 3 years ago that never went anywhere.. that one. im cool you fucking assholes. oh also super meat boy

Edmund McMillen @Bluebaby

Age 45, Male

Game guy.

Santa Cruz Ca.

Joined on 1/21/01

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Bluebaby's News

Posted by Bluebaby - October 5th, 2008

Meat Boy.... is done!!
Play it now.. its the best game evar!

Facts about the game:

-Meat boy is Hard!
-You can skip levels by pressing esc and exiting to the level menu.
-Unlock extra characters by collecting band aids.
-You only need to beat 3 of every 5 levels to advance to the next series of levels.
-Meat boy is Hard!

All the res of the info is in game.

That is all.



Posted by Bluebaby - September 8th, 2008


Its called Aether and its a simple experimental "Art" game about childhood and escapism. Its a very honest and personal project i've been a little worried about making public because its exposes a lot of the fears i had when i was a child and puts me in a vulnerable places. But i feel like there are some out there that can appreciate something honest that has a lot of heart.

You can play the flash version online here:

and can also download the stand alone version for both Mac and PC here (it runs better on slower pcs):
http://armorgames.com/misc/downloads/a ether.zip

In the game you play as a boy who leaves the earth in search of life in outer space, someone he can relate to. in the process he discovers lost planets that need to be saved, solving puzzles on these planet bring life back to them and the galaxy expands.

Please feel free to try the game out yourself, the story is left open to interpretation and if your into exploration and problem solving then you just might really like it.

All the controls and info are in the game.

The Game was created by Myself and Tyler Glaiel of http://www.glaielgames.com/.
We made it in 14 days.

I hope you enjoy our labor of love.



Posted by Bluebaby - August 13th, 2008

If you havent played my latest game yet.. please do.


Its pretty much the best thing ever made.




Posted by Bluebaby - July 1st, 2008

/* */
Heres a little teaser intro for those of you interested in some of the story of Gish2. the youtube video is a little small, so if you have a hard time reading the subtitles check out the righ rez flash version on

oh and big ups to Rift for doing the voice of Quietus :)

Check out our dev blog for more info


Posted by Bluebaby - May 1st, 2008

/* */
Playing around with some balloon ticks in the beta for triachnid 2.

comming soon


Posted by Bluebaby - April 18th, 2008

Alex just posted a new blob blog post updating what we have been working on for the past few months when it comes to Gish.

/* */

theres also a lil vid showing Gish's new snazzy body.
tell us what you think.


Posted by Bluebaby - April 5th, 2008

I finally put together a little website that basically a collection of all the games ive worked on for the past 4 years.


you've probably seen some of the more recent stuff (gish, coil, triachnid), but i have a few old games that might entertain you for a few min.

tell me what you think!


Posted by Bluebaby - January 4th, 2008

As a late xmas gift to you all, Alex and i have put the Steam version of Gish on sale for 4.95! The sale will last till around the 17th and is packed full of totally new user made campaigns (and one made by us!). we also put up a new demo exclusive to steam, in case you're still iffy on the high price tag.



Posted by Bluebaby - September 9th, 2007

Click here to watch the video

Here's a video showing some of the early progress of Gish 2, this is not a trailer, just some graphics tests we've been working on. Some of the new features the fans might notice include normal mapping on the background, which is actually a pretty simple technique that will work on cards back to the GeForce 1. The other feature is soft shadows, what you see in the video is a bit of a hack, just to see how it will look. Soft shadows will probably require a fragment shader in the end, mainly because of optimizations that can be done with shaders. On older cards we will use the hard shadows technique from the original Gish. Also if anyone has seen Reggie make sure to give him our contact information, it appears he has lost our phone number.

GISH 2 test video!


Posted by Bluebaby - August 31st, 2007

I was always a fan of illustration blogs where the artist puts up a sep by step break down of how the illustration in question unfolded, since i do most of my work in flash and save each step on a frame i thought it would be pretty easy to export it for all to see.

step 1: i always sketch on paper when im working on a complex drawing, imy brain doesnt have a clear enough connection to my pen pad to totally bust out 100% digital.

step 2: starting basic inking in flash on the layer above the sketch, just getting all core lines in place so i can start thinking about shadows.

step 3: next i start blocking out the big areas of darkness making sure to keep slight areas of exposed light on the outer edges of the more dark areas to hold the image together.

step 4: dropping a few layers under the ink i start blocking out the core colors. i also cleaned up some of the background details and blocked out the rest of the darkness.

step 5-6: adding shadow and highlights to the colors using the torch in the background as a rough light source.

step 7: threw in the blue torch with a light blue gradient overlay. i also started to add specular highlights and other "wetness"

step 8: finally went through with a transparent black and darkened a few areas i felt stood out too much and put a little more details here and there.

For the final image i put a little more work into the torch and other small areas here and there to help the image pop more.

Check out the final high rez art here

I dont know many other artist who work exclusively in flash, i sometimes work in photoshop but have found that flashes "line smoothing" and over all setup just goes with my style a bit more.

i hope this was somehow helpful and/or entertaining to any of you.

Click here for high rez art of the step by step image below.

Gish 2