Why are you posting here? It's like a cry for help or something. =P
I've really been wanting to play Gish. It sounds like a brilliantly done game from what I've heard. I'll try it on the site when I do it. Also, I love Tri-Achnid. I've heard the next one won't be sold free, but I'll still play it if it isn't =)
Do you think you'll ever do all the art for a really big game, like on the Wii or some other console?
What was your choice for using Flash as your main design medium? Was there a specific choice that made you sway towards Flash? I am always curious of web design choices.
I have a Mac so I won't be able to play these until I switch over to a Windows something or other, but nice portfolio.
i really like how easy it is to animate and draw in flash, i think flash really complements my style.