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Super Meat Boy interview at GDC (the game play is old).
NEWGROUNDS.com Mutha fuckas!!!!
DUDE, i made that game gish.. remember gish.. that game that came out like 3 years ago that never went anywhere.. that one. im cool you fucking assholes. oh also super meat boy
Age 45, Male
Game guy.
Santa Cruz Ca.
Joined on 1/21/01
Tom Fulp and his beautiful hair.
The interviewer seems plain. You guys are going crazy and it seems like he's thinking "What the fuck did I get myself into?" XBOX LIVE! OH YEAH!!! Can't wait!
You look good for your age.
LOL man he looked so uncomfortable talking to you guys lololol
So Tom's the one who killed Jesus? Because he had more beatuiful hair? Looks like the doors from hell are wide open for games like Meat Boy HAIL SATAN! good luck with the game dudes!
lol.. Tom Fulp killed Jesus...
I so called that
I'm blushing!
i'm gonna hug and kiss both of you guys on the lips, that's right, hug your lips and then kiss them ttyl
Now I just want to touch Tom Fulp's Jesus blood soaked hair.
That was really funny haha
fun interview, good lookin out
just that sentence has encouraged me to buy super meat boy when it comes out.
Awesome and funny interview!
Btw, how will we be able to buy SMB when it comes out for the PC? Steam? Your personal website?
You are a sexy beast
Happy b-day!
(I noticed that you are 30, not 29.)
PS: I mean recently not today, just if Im a bit late. ;-)
you lucky guy making a game for wiiware and xboxlive the closest ive come to makeing a game is with paper and toy army men
"Playstation 3...NEVER!"
Ahaha, nice to see some flat out rejection done right
Dang, you got interviewed by the Dead Pixel, you lucky bastard