I posted this last week but i can officially say that Cryptic Seas Next Pc game "No Quarter" will be coming out on steam in the next 2-3 months.
Cryptic sea is an "album" of 6 games, all unique, but each following a basic theme, like tracks on a CD.
The first track is called Hitlers Must Die!, heres a vid of some gameplay footage from a few weeks ago.
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No Quarter is being designed Alex Austin and myself, its the first legit PC release we will have since we released Gish over 4 years ago.
Hitlers must die runs of an engine made by Alex thats similar to the engine we will be using for Gish2, witch is scheduled to come out later next year.
we are currently looking for beta testers for No Quarter, we only need a few so if you have experience with beta testing pc games and are interested in testing out No Quarter PM me with your info and reason why youd make a good tester and ill include you in the next beta test.
oh also here's a vid of me beating Cereus peashy.. because i know like 1% of you got to the end anyway :)
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Sounds exciting. Too bad the videos don't load :P