DUDE, i made that game gish.. remember gish.. that game that came out like 3 years ago that never went anywhere.. that one. im cool you fucking assholes. oh also super meat boy
Age 45, Male
Game guy.
Santa Cruz Ca.
Joined on 1/21/01
Dude thsi is gonna rock! you should put a price foro your games you could become rich!!!!
Looks hot man, I can't wait!
Looks awesome.
Hope ye release it for the Wii.
It looked great. I am terrible at platformers, but I might have to buy Super Meat Boy.
You shouldn't let so many hipsters over to your house. They'll steal your record collection, and and grow 5 o'clock shadows all over the place.
Game looks amazing, though.
This might be a silly question buttttt
have you ever thought about putting the PC version on Steam?
its actually on steam now, or a place holder anyway
You made Gish? That game was fucking GREAT! I played the shit out of it.
Anyway, can't wait for meatboy u queer.
You, sir, do rock.
Did you see that Time Fcuk got A GOTY award from IGN?
just saw that... thats nutty...
lol they totally sucked you off.
it's gonna be a cool game.
holy shit you're right
well in that case ill probably buy it!
Yeah updates on progress are the best!